Studies on augmented reality (AR) in education and in particular AR games in education are gaining impetus worldwide. This area has been actively developing over the past decades relative to the dawn of the 4th industrial revolution and the rapid growth of digital technologies. The present review in the field of educational AR consists of a focused literature review on specific research questions regarding the effective utilization of AR in education and AR gaming applications in the everyday classroom. Moreover, the review studies knowledge and skills’ enhancement, teachers’ roles, relevant theories, and evaluation techniques. From the analysis of 78 selected articles, specific conclusions are drawn and a proposition of a series of recommendations and future research in certain areas of educational AR is portrayed. Respectively, considered, several acknowledged issues and limitations regarding the research and the subject area such as infrastructure, curriculum correspondence, AR games in classroom instruction and evaluation as well as the educators’ acceptance and contribution.
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Article Type: Review Article
Computers and Children, Volume 1, Issue 1, December 2022, Article No: em002
Publication date: 25 Mar 2022
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How to cite this article
Amanatidis, N. (2022). Augmented Reality in Education and Educational Games-Implementation and Evaluation: A Focused Literature Review. Computers and Children, 1(1), em002. https://doi.org/10.29333/cac/11925
Amanatidis N. Augmented Reality in Education and Educational Games-Implementation and Evaluation: A Focused Literature Review. Computers and Children. 2022;1(1):em002. https://doi.org/10.29333/cac/11925
Amanatidis N. Augmented Reality in Education and Educational Games-Implementation and Evaluation: A Focused Literature Review. Computers and Children. 2022;1(1), em002. https://doi.org/10.29333/cac/11925
Amanatidis, Nikolaos. "Augmented Reality in Education and Educational Games-Implementation and Evaluation: A Focused Literature Review". Computers and Children 2022 1 no. 1 (2022): em002. https://doi.org/10.29333/cac/11925
Amanatidis, N. (2022). Augmented Reality in Education and Educational Games-Implementation and Evaluation: A Focused Literature Review. Computers and Children, 1(1), em002. https://doi.org/10.29333/cac/11925
Amanatidis, Nikolaos "Augmented Reality in Education and Educational Games-Implementation and Evaluation: A Focused Literature Review". Computers and Children, vol. 1, no. 1, 2022, em002. https://doi.org/10.29333/cac/11925